New Contest Bonus Scoring Packs Available!
We’ve just added 2 new Base Variation packs to the Blitz section in the Blitz Store! Each pack contains special Base Variations which can greatly improve your teams in contests! Look for the new base variations in the all-new Certified and Pantheon base variation packs! These special base variations can be found in the Blitz album in your collections.
- Gold Base Variations – Contains 10x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
- Bronze Base Variations – Contains 20x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
- Mirror Red Variations – Contains 5x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
- Mirror Blue Variations – Contains 10x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
- Mirror Green Variations – Contains 15x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
- Mirror Gold Variations – Contains 20x Contest Scoring Bonus for eligible players!
You can find the Pantheon Variations in the following pack in the Blitz Section of the Store:
Pantheon Contest Pack:
- 3 total Cards – Base includes Pantheon Bronze Base
- Cost – 5000 coins
- Pantheon Gold Base – 1:10 chance per pack on average
You can find the Certified Variations in the following pack in the Blitz Section of the Store:
Certified Contest Pack:
- 3 total Cards – Base includes Certified Mirror Red
- Cost – 1000 coins
- Mirror Blue – 1:10 chance per pack on average
- Mirror Green – 1:20 chance per pack on average
- Mirror Gold – 1:40 chance per pack on average
To get VIP status and gain access to the Blitz VIP Store, make any coin purchase in the Blitz Coin Store. VIP status lasts until midnight of the purchase date.