National Treasures
Veteran Treasures
Our first National Treasures insert set is now available. We kick things off with our Veteran Treasures set. Veteran Treasures includes many of the top veterans in the NFL right now. The Veteran Treaasures set is a 15 card set plus one reward card for completing the set by the reward deadline. Every Wednesday we will release 3 different players from the Veteran Treasures set. Each Veteran Treasures insert is available in 3 variations.
This week’s Veteran Treasures inserts include the following players: DeAndre Hopkins, Philip Rivers & Jason Witten
Veteran Treasures come in 3 variations – Patch, Tag and Shield
*** Patch – Available for 1 week Tag – Limited to 50 Shield – Limited to 10 ***
This week’s Veteran Treasures inserts include the following players: DeAndre Hopkins, Philip Rivers & Jason Witten
The Veteran Treasures inserts can only be found in the following packs:
- Veteran Treasures Pack – 100 coins – 1:25 chance for a Veteran Treasures Patch, 1:50 chance for Tag. While available
- Veteran Treasures VIP Pack – 100 coins – REDUCED ODDS AND SHIELD EXCLUSIVES! 1:10 chance for Patch, 1:25 chance for Tag, and 1:100 for Shield. While available
Making any coin purchase in the coin store will grant VIP access for 24 hours.
If you can collect all 15 Veteran Treasures cards in a specific variation you will receive a special Tom Brady Veteran Treasures Reward card in the matching variation. The deadline for completing the set is 6/28/17 at 2pm EST. Please note that a maximum of one reward card in a specific variation will be given per account..