
Roethlisberger and Lewis NT Material Signatures

Material Signatures

Ray Lewis & Ben Roethlisberger

Next up from our National Treasures collection is Material Signatures!  The Material Signatures set features 14 greats from the past and present. There will also be a Reward Card for collecting all 14 cards in a specific variation. Two new Material Signatures inserts will release every Saturday. Material Signature Jerseys will be available until the next card releases, while Material Signature Patch and Tags will have a limited print run. 

Today’s Material Signature Inserts are – Ray Lewis & Ben Roethlisberger

Material Signatures come in 3 variations:

Jersey – Available for 1 week

Patch – Limited to 100 

Tag – VIP EXCLUSIVE – Limited to 25

The Material Signatures inserts can be found in the following packs:

  • Tremendous Treasures Pack – 250 coins Look for Material Signatures Inserts! Jersey 1:10 chance and Patch 1:50 chance until Sold Out
  • Tremendous Treasures VIP Pack – 250 coins – VIP TAG EXCLUSIVE! Look for Material Signatures!  Jersey 1:10 chance, Patch 1:50 chance, Tag 1:100 chance – While Available

Making any coin purchase in the coin store will grant VIP access for 24 hours.

If you can collect all 14 Material Signatures cards in a specific variation you will receive a special Marshall Faulk Materials Signatures Reward card in the matching variation. For example, collecting all 14 Material Signatures Tags will earn you the Marshall Faulk Tag Reward. The deadline for completing the set is 7/15/17 at 4pm EST. Please note that a maximum of one reward card in a specific variation will be given per account..