
Android 1.7.1 Update

Android 1.7.1 Update (v44)


Our latest Android update is now available. This should resolve the VIP access issue many of our Android users are encountering.

  • Go to the Panini Gridiron page in the Google Play Store
  • Use the ‘UNINSTALL’ button to completely remove the app from your device
  • Once the uninstall is complete, press the ‘INSTALL’ button to ensure a clean version of the APP
  • After installation, OPEN the app

These steps should fix many of the issues users have had opening albums, trading and opening the new Eternal packs.

Once again we apologize for some of the issues 1.7 has caused some of our users and we plan to have a future promotion to thank you all for your patience. We appreciate all of you and your continued patience during the upgrade!